

Exploring heavenly innocence with an underlying sensuality, delicate layers of embellished sheet lace evoke the grace and fluidity. Softly flowing into a circle skirt finished with a structured horsehair hem. Lined with soft satin-like jersey, the Geneva wedding dress gently glides along the body as a base for a weightless, floating on air effect. Her barely there, beaded tulle straps lead into the romantic sweetheart illusion bodice with expertly hidden constructed cups and supportive boning for enhancement of the waistline. Fingertips trace gently along her bead encrusted silhouette, playing over twirling baroque lace motifs and whimsical lines. Geneva plays with captivating contrasts of playful transparencies with feminine beaded details.

Product Details

Available in sizes 2-28

Geneva is available in Ivory/Sand (shown), Ivory/Mocha, Ivory/Nude, or Ivory.

Style Code: C3003

C3003LN – front bodice lined